6 Ways To Use Floor Jacks for Heavy-duty Vehicles

6 Ways To Use Floor Jacks for Heavy-duty Vehicles

Lifting is necessary while doing repairs and maintenance on a vehicle’s undercarriage. When using jacks on heavy-duty vehicles, you must follow the right procedure for maximum safety. Here are six ways of using a floor jack on heavy-duty vehicles:

1. Choose a Suitable Location

Choose a firm, level surface to park the vehicle to prepare it for jack lifting. A flat surface will prevent the vehicle from shifting and the floor jack from sinking. When working on grass, gravel, or dirt, use strong boards or jack pads to disperse the load evenly. Avoid open areas with intense winds that can cause the vehicle to become unstable when it is raised.

2. Position the Jack

Vehicles have different jack point locations. Check the area beneath the chassis to find the designated jack points for your vehicle. Placing the jack on an incorrect jack point can cause the truck’s frame to collapse.

After determining the proper jack positions, slide the jack under the vehicle and line it up with the lifting point. The part that contacts the vehicle should be centered and completely engaged with the jack point. Misalignment can cause the vehicle to slip as it is being raised.

3. Pump Up the Jack

After placing the jack correctly, carefully lift the vehicle. Gradually pump the jack handle upwards to raise the vehicle. If you lift the vehicle too quickly, it can become unstable, causing it to tilt or slip off the jack. Maintain the vehicle’s stability and make any necessary adjustments with a gradual, steady rise.

4. Check the Stability

Check the stability of the vehicle while lifting it. There should be no indications of tilting or shifting as the vehicle rises. Should you observe any instability, stop lifting and check the jack’s alignment.

Lift the vehicle to the height needed to finish the task. When you raise it higher than necessary, you increase the risk of instability. When the vehicle reaches the correct height, stop pumping and get ready to use jack stands to secure it.

5. Place the Jack Stands

Using the floor jack alone to hold up a heavy-duty vehicle can be a risky mistake. The jacks cannot support the vehicle’s weight for a long time. Jack stands help support the extra weight, preventing hydraulic failure in the floor jack.

After raising the vehicle to the necessary height, place the jack stands beneath the chosen jack points or other structurally sound areas of the vehicle’s structure. The jack stands should be rated to support the vehicle’s weight. After positioning the jack stands, gradually remove the pressure on the jack to bring the car down onto the stands. Do this carefully so that the vehicle’s weight spreads equally between the stands.

Before starting any work, check that the vehicle is firmly resting on the jack stands and won’t move. It should not sway or change direction. If it moves, take another look at where the stands are and make any required adjustments. Taking adequate safety measures before you start working under the vehicle will help prevent debilitating accidents or injuries.

6. Lower the Vehicle Safely

After completing all the necessary maintenance work, lower the vehicle safely. Release the jack’s pressure gradually so that the vehicle descends in a controlled and steady manner. Remove all tools and vehicle parts under the vehicle before starting the lowering process. After the vehicle reaches the ground, remove the jack. Before trying to drive, check the vehicle’s stability while it is on its four tires. Do a final check to confirm that the equipment is back in its place and that there are not any loose parts.

Buy Quality Floor Jacks for Heavy-duty Vehicles

It takes a combination of the proper tools, careful handling, and continuous maintenance to use jacks on heavy-duty vehicles. Raise and support the vehicle properly by choosing the appropriate jack, setting it correctly, lifting with caution, using jack stands, and carefully lowering it. Using a dependable jack to lift heavy-duty vehicles can help make work easier for professionals. Find heavy-duty jacks specifically designed to handle the weight of large vehicles and machines for the best results. Contact a reputable local dealer to buy the right jack for your needs.


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